Hospice Caring is Now CaringMatters

Hospice Caring is Now CaringMatters
Administrative / Event Volunteering

Become a CaringMatters Volunteer
Our volunteers are valued for their compassion, their willingness to provide assistance in time of need, and their many interests and talents that support all aspects of the organization. For nearly 30 years, thousands of volunteers have earned CaringMatters its reputation for outstanding service and care.
In exchange for our volunteers' time, CaringMatters offers a
friendly, professional team that values talents and appreciates
one’s desire to serve the Montgomery County community. Our
organization holds staff and volunteers accountable for respecting
diversity and differences, and we have policies for maintaining a
professional working environment. We honor our volunteers each
year at our volunteer appreciation event.
We know you have many choices when you select an organization that is worthy of your time, talents, dedication, and enthusiasm. Thank you for considering CaringMatters!
For information about volunteer opportunities with CaringMatters, call 301-869-4673 or send an email with 'Volunteer Interest' in the subject line to deaniep@caringmatters.org
Volunteer Opportunities
Provide caregving and companionship for those who are on their end-of-life journey – and their families – by simply being there to support, listen and lend a helping hand.
Train and serve as a facilitator for bereavement groups, which offer grieving individuals an emotionally safe place to gently begin the healing process.
Co-facilitate a peer support group with a school counselor for children in grades K-12 to discuss their feelings about the death of a loved one and develop coping skills.
Train and serve as a “Big Buddy” at Camp Erin, a weekend grief camp for a children who have recently experienced the death of a loved one.
Assist with administrative tasks at the Cottage, help organize fundraising and community education events and volunteer at community resource fairs.
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”
- Anonymous