Pearls of Hope Gala
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Columbia Country Club, Chevy Chase, MD
Gala Co-Chairs: The Honorable Sidney Katz and Sally Katz
Master of Ceremonies: The Honorable Craig Rice
Legacy Honoree: In honor of Irma Poretsky and in memory of
her late husband, Lester Poretsky
Loyalty Honoree: Steven Ornstein, EDGE Floral Event Designers
Thank you to our Gala 2019 photographers, Toni Robinson & Chuck Lee
*Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Pearl Sponsors
Colleen & Ron Luzier
Satin Sponsors
Sandra & Pete Bracken
EDGE Floral Event Designers
Linda & Ian Kramer
The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Irma Poretsky
The Dick and Jody Vilardo Foundation
Silk Sponsors
Carl M. Freeman Foundation
Steve & Jane Halpin
M&T Bank
Revere Bank
Nancy & Joe Richardson / Bar-T
Toni Robinson
Ivory Sponsors
Vivian & Raymond Bass
Ken & Marsha Braunstein
Lisa & Sean Creamer
Gimmel, Weiman, Ersek, Blomberg & Lewis, PA
Pam & Bill Hard
Sara & Jim Harris
Tom & Clare Keller
Kathleen McCallum
Mercer Advisors
Ronald and Joy Paul Family Foundation
Prudent Management Associates
Audrey Rothstein Photography
Steve & Jacquie Tennant
U.S. Wellness
VWG Wealth Management
*As of September 11, 2019