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CaringMatters Releases FY2021 Annual Report

Writer's picture: Leigh BluesteinLeigh Bluestein

We are pleased to release our Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report, which represents the scope and impact of our services, and documents our progress and accomplishments. This analysis only tells part of the story. Fiscal year 2021 was the first full year of the pandemic, requiring diligence and care to pivot our services to meet the growing and changing needs of the community. Also, behind each one of the numbers in this report is an actual person, a family or a child – a community member who allows themself to drop the forced smile and the friendly small talk to reach out and accept support during times of illness, loss and grief. We never lose sight of this reality and the powerful impact of our work.

As we move into our 33rd year of service to the Montgomery County community, we pledge to remain focused on this mission of compassionate support. Thank you to our Board members, Trustees, volunteers, donors and community partners, who work with our staff on this very important and special mission.

Read the report HERE.

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